Wednesday, January 23, 2019

This page will focus specifically on special features.

When writing a blog, you can either use the websites default settings.

OR, you may implement a CSS code which changes the size of your text.
In our case, we'll try different sizes of our links.

We'll begin with The original list (using HTML).
This is not using any CSS Class selector or enhancements.
It's relying upon the website's default settings.

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example 1

Although I prefer using the simplest type of text-decoration (such as Text-decoration: underline),
There are many less-common methods which create interesting results. (such as wavy and dashed).
However, for demonstrative purposes, we'll implement these complex examples as well.
...such as text-decoration: underline dashed rgba(77, 193, 105,0.7).
We'll also include confusing examples which I normally avoid.
such as text-decoration: underline overline rgba(189, 176, 0,0.9);
and, text-decoration: underline dashed green;
(The previous two examples never appeared on our original tutorial, since we considered them too confusing).

we're using various text-decoration features in the links above.
But theoretically, this code could be implemented anywhere.
In this example;
we're applying unusual features to the entire paragraph.
These widespread methods aren't used often,
since it's obviously too tacky.

We've decided to name the

The CSS code for the above paragraph is

You'll notice- we've added width to the above paragraph.
This feature is obviously NOT necessary when using links.
Also; the ID's being used above consist of 2 basic command lines- [#container] and [#container:hover]
...notice- We're NOT using other command lines, such as #container:link , #container:visited, or, #container:active.

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example 2
Borders (various types)

Note: CSS can also be applied to entire paragraphs.
Although it's usually considered too tacky.
(Thus, it's not commonly used).
But, the options are available.
This box is using the same CSS as two links above:
...... Amazing Polly. and, Conservative Headlines. Also notice; there's no shaded background.
So, it takes on the overall appearance of this entire page.

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example 3
text-decoration:none, border:solid, and background color shading.
although there are various border types, we prefer SOLID. (such as border: solid #000000 1px)

CSS can also be applied to entire paragraphs.
It's rarely used since it's too tacky.
But, the options are available.
This box is using CSS similar to the B.N.P. link.
We've using a much smaller text size.
Plus, we've reversed the text colors. Also notice; there's mildly shaded background.

Plus, for demonstrative purposes only;
we're also using the ACTIVE feature.
This is definitely not recommended when writing paragraphs.
But we're just showing the power of CSS.
In this case,
we're slightly increasing the ACTIVE Font-size from 17px to 17.9px.

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example 4
Background shading. (AKA background-color)
most examples below (in Rows #1,#2,and #3) are NOT using borders.
(except for a few in Row #4, such as Vdare and Zionscape).

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example 5
each Link can be different colors.
The following example demonstrates how it's not a good idea to create too many colors.

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