Tuesday, January 1, 2019

This page will focus on MARGINS.
It's often confused with Padding.
Margins represent the outer, while padding is inner.
According to w3schools;
The CSS margin properties are used to create space around elements, outside of any defined borders.

Note however that our listing method often creates an alternative context.

Example 1
Let's start by showing a standard sequence.
It's using the basic features found on IQGO.
Very little margin is being implemented within these Rows.
However, the gap between the outer gray block is a MARGIN.
It's 20px above and below. Written in CSS code as margin: 20px 0px;

Example 2
Here. We're not tampering with Box Rows.
We're only changing the outer margin to 5px.

Example 3
Here, we'll create an uneven margin for Top and Bottom.
The sequence reads: margin: 10px 0px 40px 0px;
which means, there's 10px margin on top, and a large 30px margin on bottom.

Example 4
In this example; we'll remove the top margin, and make a large bottom margin.
It reads margin: 0px 0px 70px 0px;

Example 5
(cellpadding is set to "3").
Within each box, we're setting the right-margin to 10px.
You can begin to see why people often confuse padding with margin.
In rows 1,2, and 3, margin-right: 10px;.

Example 6
Here, we'll create a Left and Right margin of 10px within each box.
Plus, 4px on Top and Bottoms.
So, it reads as follows: margin:1px 10px 4px 10px;

Example 7
When doing these listings; we rarely use the margin feature for the outer boxes.
They tend to position the entire box in an altered location.
Here, we'll alter the margins of Box#2 and Box#4 (while leaving Box1 and Box3 alone).
Notice how creating the margin causes Box#2 and Box#4 to position much lower.
The code is margin-top:80px;

Example 8
We'll be setting margins in box#1 and Box#3. and it only applies to the inner box.
In box#1, the code is margin-top:50px;
in Box#3, the code is margin:50px;.
The Top-lines remain in the same location.
while the inner box moves to an altered location.

Example 9
Here. I will only tamper with box#2.
I will set the Top-margin to 100px.
the code is margin-top:100px;
and, in this case, it was implimented in the outer box.
Notice how the entire box is positioned in a different location.

Example 9
table border="0" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="3"
(I'm also increasing the width from 90% to 99%)

here's an average arrangement with no table border, and 2 cellpadding.
table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="3"

In Row #1, we're using a margin-right: 10.1px;.
and, in the 3rd Row outer, We'll lower the entire row using margin-top: 70px;

final example. using border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"
we'll only tamper with the bottom margins.
on rows#3 and #4, we'll set the margin-bottom:10px; within the box.


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