Friday, January 18, 2019

This page will focus specifically on Font Sizes.

When writing a blog, you can either use the websites default settings.

OR, you may implement a CSS code which changes the size of your text.
In our case, we'll try different sizes of our links.

We'll begin with The original list (using HTML).
This is not using any CSS Class selector or enhancements.

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example 1
We'll create a slightly larger size of the links.
(let's choose a 17px font size).

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example 2
creating a large Font-size of 22px

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example 3
a font size of 19px

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example 4
percentages in fonts (such as 90%, or 130%, etc).
this example will choose 110%.

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example 5

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example 6 (using em measuring).

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example 7
Links can be different sizes, if desired.

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example 8
(creating a small font-size).

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