Monday, January 7, 2019

Cursor hovering over / changing color

This page will focus on the hovering effect over each box.

There's a feature which enhances the hovering effect.
When you drag your cursor over each box;the color changes.

Let's start by showing a standard sequence.
It's using the basic features found on IQGO.

Example 1
When hovering over the text-fields, we'll create a strong White color.
and the initial text-fields vary slightly.

all content in Row#1 here.
all content in Row#2 here.

all content in Row#3 here.
all content in Row#4 here.

Example 2
We'll emphasize the Hover feature by changing to RED.
This will show-off this features capabilities.

Example 3
For demonstrative purposes only;
we'll make each box a different color when highlighted.

Example 4
Now, this is where things get complicated.
and inherited flaws begin to show.
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here

text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here

text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here

Example 5
This presents a major setback.
But there are several ways to rectify the problem.
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here

For demonstrative purposes-
the outer HOVER padding here
is a slightly different color.
This shows how much space
the padding can take.
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here

Example 6
This section will focus primarily on Variables.
The purpose is to make the "MAKES-WHITE" tag identical to the onmouseover variable.
THEN, the variable must return to its original Box Color, using onmouseout.
(for demonstrative purposes only, in Box#1 we've used a random onmouseover color).
You'll notice that when hovering;
the padding area turns light blue, while the text area HOVERS White.
the reason is because we didn't use the same exact onmouseover color as MAKES-WHITE.

text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here

text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here

text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here

text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here
text here

Example 7
Clearly, using Variables resolves the problem of improper padding color.
These variable codes are supposed to return to its original Box-Color.
However; we can substitute it with an oddball combination for demonstration only.

Example 8
Choosing your HOVER color is strictly a matter of choice.
Most examples here show the text-field becoming WHITER when highlighted.
But this doesn't need to be the only method available.

Example 9
The onmouseover feature is the ONLY method we're using alter the gray OUTER boxes.

Example 10
Let's continue focusing on the outer boxes.
Once again;
When highlighting outer-boxes below, the only method being used are VARIABLES.

Example 11

Example 12
We can experiment with more defined changes.
(although I prefer barely noticeable differences).

Example 13

So, here was my original Listing:

final example.
The outer HOVER below is better defined (outside all 4 boxes).
and, the entire text field becomes solid White when HOVERED.


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